The PIA Bank and Chronotechnics Holding Gallery

A Discussion of Poincaré and Duchamp with reference to Marcel Duchamp's " Bigboîte", a Readymade.

The interaction between Poincaré and Duchamp while a historical event is also a point of intersection and reference in the universe of human perception. It is the first attempt to represent states which have no statal reality and only exist in time. We have collected images which refer to the intellectual constructs generated by Marcel Duchamp as well as an example of his readymades, "bigboîte" at another site for your discussion in comparison with the magneto-electrical theory of Poincaré. Click on the image to visit the archives of a conference on this subject and the image of the box to visit the images contained within the readymade.

Poincaré and  Duchamp movements beyond energy from the polyhedra to

Click on the Image to review the Discussion of the relationship between Poincaré and Marcel Duchamp

La Grande Boîte opens a readymade world concealed by time

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Click on the image to view a selection of images from Marcel Duchamp's "Bigboîte"